
Yesterday I visited the the exciting "Miguel Agustin Pro Human Rights Center" here in Mexico City and learned about their venture, these past 18 months, into the arena of: copyleft, intellectual property rights, public cultural space. They are a 30 person staff dedicated to legal aspects of human rights, including legal actions. Their entry into this important communications rights field is a good sign for the future of open sources.

My friend,Dennis Smith has sent to me an article written by Carlos Romero Moragas, “Copyleft - Software libre: libertad de conocimiento, libertad de creación”that I've uploaed onto my website. It is a concise, clear description of the copyleft rationale and its implications. I think that every church pastor and every religious education leader should read it because open source computer software affects all of us.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Adan Medrano published on May 19, 2005 8:01 AM.

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