Cranberry Corn stuffed Squash with Quinoa

Tonight's dinner was winter stuff. Roasted acorn squash, scooped out the sweet buttery center and combined it with not sweet southern corn bread, dried cranberries, sauteed onion/celery and a bit of cranberry juice.roastacornB.jpg
Quinoa with aromatic herbs atop leaf lettuce drizzled with a cranberry/black currant dressing.

My guests ate up the plates before I could take the picture so missing are the deep-fried Anaheim Pepper strips standing to the left of the acorn squash in a pool of puree of sweet corn sauce. (You can see the bowl of sauce in background). Paired with a white Côtes du Rhône . We had a great time.

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This page contains a single entry by Adan Medrano published on January 13, 2011 8:30 PM.

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